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2005 | |
02.12.2005: Process Tips#4 If you have to work 80 hours a week, you're not profitableToo many start-up entrepreneurs blow through the earliest stages of their company's growth by putting all their time and energy into their businesses at the expense of their health and relationships. While we'd argue that that's fine for short periods, this shouldn't be a part of your long-term financial calculations. It's simply not sustainable. If your company is only in the black because you're working yourself to the bone, your numbers are going to take a major turn once you scale back your workload — if you don't collapse from exhaustion first, that is. | Even if you choose not to apply a "no growth hacking" philosophy to your business, make sure that your labour costs are fully accounted for. Undervaluing the time you invest in your business hurts everyone involved. |
02.06.2005: Green Machines TestimonialRecently I was in the position of needing a new person in my office at Green Machines. My Accountant and I discussed this and suggested we would need to find someone to pay the wages, keep up with the accounts and look after the VAT. Out of the blue unbeknown to me a young lady named Janice Fearn was doing a mailshot around the East Grinstead area. I received a letter and was impressed by this, so contact was made, an interview was arranged and by Janice's CV it was apparent she was the person for the job. |
She has been with me for four weeks and is carrying out a superb job. In fact from the short time I have known her I would suggest you give Janice a try. – Alan Cullen – Green Machines, East Grinstead |
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